• Guoyu Plastic Products Laundry detergent bottles



  • Do you want a unique bottle design?

    Do you want a unique bottle design?

    With young people's love of wine, the wine industry is slowly emerging, and the packaging of bottles is changing rapidly. The design is more beautiful. The liquor industry has been actively involved in the design of various bottles with historical significance and the pe...
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  • The importance of air tightness test for medical plastic bottles.

    The importance of air tightness test for medical plastic bottles.

    How to test the air tightness of plastic bottles? The air tightness of plastic bottles is very important to prevent the deterioration of medicines during the effective period of moisture. It is also an important medium to prevent the influenc...
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  • Briefly talk about the wholesale price of wide mouth bottle.

    Briefly talk about the wholesale price of wide mouth bottle.

    Wide mouth bottle can be used to pack a variety of sunflower seeds, nuts, raisins, etc., because the mouth of the bottle is relatively wide, so called wide mouth bottle. Now take for example the dried fruit bottle that is common in our daily life. The dried fruit bottle is a special type of packa...
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  • A toughening material made from PET plastic bottle material.

    A toughening material made from PET plastic bottle material.

    Waste PET (polyethylene terephthalate) degrades severely after one or more treatments. If no measures are taken to compensate for direct use in production, the processing performance and the product produced will be affected. The mechanical property will be very poor, the appearance is yellow, ca...
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  • Overview of the scale of PET material recycling.

    Overview of the scale of PET material recycling.

    That’s a new record.Compared to other recyclables, the overall recycling rate of plastics lags far behind. But PET is the shining star of recycled plastics. A new report from the National Association of PET Container Resources and the Association for Post-Consumer Plastic Recycling shows th...
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  • What is PVC material suitable for what products?

    What is PVC material suitable for what products?

    PVC is a soft, flexible plastic used to make clear plastic food packaging, food oil bottles, molar rings, children’s and pet toys, and blister packaging for countless consumer products. It is commonly used as a sheathing material for computer cables and in the manufacture of plastic pipes a...
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  • Let’s learn more about PP material.

    Let’s learn more about PP material.

    Polypropylene plastic is strong, light and has excellent heat resistance. It acts as a barrier against moisture, oils and chemicals. When you try to open the thin plastic lining in the cereal box, it’s polypropylene. This will keep your cereal dry and fresh. PP is also commonly used in disp...
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  • Products made from HDPE can be reused and recycled.

    Products made from HDPE can be reused and recycled.

    HDPE plastic is a tough plastic that can be used to make milk jugs, detergent and oil bottles, toys and some plastic bags. HDPE is the most common form of recycled plastic and is considered one of the safest forms of plastic. Recycling HDPE plastic is a relatively simple and economical method. HD...
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  • What does the recycling symbol on plastic mean?

    What does the recycling symbol on plastic mean?

    PET or PETE(polyethylene terephthalate) is found in: soft drinks, water and beer bottles; A mouthwash bottle; Peanut butter containers; Salad dressing and vegetable oil containers; A tray for baking food. Recycling: Recycling through most curbside recycling programs. Recycled from: Polar wool, fi...
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  • Market status of Chinese mould manufacturing industry.

    Market status of Chinese mould manufacturing industry.

    In recent years, due to the continuous improvement of China’s industrialization level, China has become the world’s mold manufacturing power and mold trading power. The mold industry is highly related to many industries and involves a wide range of fields. The continuous development o...
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  • The recent state of us.

    The recent state of us.

    News of our common concern All electoral units in the country held party congresses or party representative meetings respectively, and 2296 deputies to the 20th National Congress of the Party were elected. On the whole, the elected representa...
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  • Introducing The Leading Plastic Bottle Supplier.

    Introducing The Leading Plastic Bottle Supplier.

    Our Advantanges While most plastic bottle manufacturers can only offer certain kinds of materials, our support for various types of materials gives customers more flexibility to try plastic containers of different materials to meet current ma...
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