Populárne na latinskoamerickom trhu.
Made-in-China electric vehicles are winning over car buyers across Latin America and reshaping views about Chinese products.The advanced technology and competitive pricing of Chinese vehicles — EVs as well as traditional cars — are rapidly translating into rising market share for China's automakers in the Latin American market.In 2019, Chinese carmakers sold about $2.2 billion worth of vehicles across Latin America, according to the International Trade Center. By last year, the value of Chinese vehicles sold in the region almost quadrupled to $8.56 billion, accounting for roughly 20 percent of the region's car market.In 2019, Chinese carmakers sold about $2.2 billion worth of vehicles across Latin America, according to the International obchodné centrum. By last year, the value of Chinese vehicles sold in the region almost quadrupled to $8.56 billion, accounting for roughly 20 percent of the region's car market.
Kvalita automobilov a ich cena upútali pozornosť kupujúcich ako Florencio Perez Romero, pilot v Mexiku. Romero si nedávno kúpil MG RX5 čínskej výroby kvôli funkciám, ktoré obsahuje, ako je veľká dotyková konzola, nespočetné množstvo senzorov a LED osvetlenia, ako aj príťažlivé panoramatické strešné okno." Sú to skvelé funkcie. V porovnaní s podobnými SUV na trhu, napr. Toyota, Volkswagen, Ford a Chevrolet, zdalo sa mi to ako dobrý obchod,“ povedal Romero. Cenovka bola ďalším veľkým faktorom pre Romera, ktorý poznamenal, že keď je všetko povedané a urobené, čínske vozidlá sú nakoniec lacnejšie ako podobné ponuky iných výrobcov. značky.
Čínski výrobcovia elektromobilov robia pokroky na svetových trhoch. BYD, for example, has topped Tesla, which also makes many of its cars in China, as the top EV seller globally.In Latin America, meanwhile, sales are flourishing, from Mexico all the way down to Argentina's Ushuaia, the world's southernmost city . In many markets across the region, including Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia and more, where buyers are very price-conscious, the savings attached to buying a Chinese car make a big difference.In Chile, in particular, Chinese automakers have been particularly successful both in selling cars to private buyers and providing vehicles to support infrastructure development, like public transit. Chileans are increasingly willing to buy Chinese traditional cars and EVs.
Čas odoslania: 25. októbra 2024