The quality of the cars and their price caught the attention of buyers like Florencio Perez Romero, a pilot in Mexico. Romero recently bought a Chinese-made MG RX5 because of the features it includes, like a large touchscreen console, myriad sensors and LED lighting, as well as an appealing panoramic sunroof."These are cool features. Compared to similar SUVs in the market like Toyota, Volkswagen, Ford and Chevrolet, it seemed like a good deal," said Romero.The price tag was another big factor for Romero, who noted that when all is said and done, Chinese vehicles end up being cheaper than similar offerings from other blagovne znamke.

Chinese EV makers have been making strides in global markets. BYD je na primer prehitel Teslo, ki prav tako izdeluje veliko svojih avtomobilov na Kitajskem, kot vodilni prodajalec električnih vozil na svetu. V Latinski Ameriki medtem prodaja cveti, od Mehike pa vse do argentinske Ushuaie, najjužnejšega mesta na svetu. . Na številnih trgih v regiji, vključno s Kolumbijo, Brazilijo, Perujem, Bolivijo in drugimi, kjer so kupci zelo pozorni na ceno, so prihranki, povezani z nakupom kitajskega avtomobila, zelo pomembni. Zlasti v Čilu so bili kitajski proizvajalci avtomobilov še posebej successful both in selling cars to private buyers and providing vehicles to support infrastructure development, like public transit. Chileans are increasingly willing to buy Chinese traditional cars and EVs.
Čas objave: 25. oktober 2024